News & Updates 02.05.2019

Here we will feature news stories, events and updates of interest every Thursday. If you are part of an organisation based in Paganism, witchcraft or related subjects, please get in touch and we can share your events!
Treadwell’s Books are hosting a storytelling workshop on 28th May focused on the so-called ‘Lost Gods’ of England. This workshop looks into subjects such as how the names of the week were established, along with revealing the folklore, mythology and old folk practices which contain traces of the pagan English gods.
The evening is held by Andreas Kornevall, a mythographer and storyteller. He will talk about the main myth cycles throughout Northern Europe. He will also talk about the old English gods and their magic, including runes and charms. The evening will conclude with a short ceremony.
You can find out more about the event by clicking here. Alternatively, follow all of Treadwell’s events by clicking here.
ISON released their second full-length album on May 1st, Beltane. They also released the first music video from the album for the song Stranger79.

Unison, their second album, features 8 tracks of haunting, experimental music. Their music video for Stranger79 is a mysterious narrative, and I recommend you check it out!
You can find out more about ISON by clicking here. You can get their new album via Amazon here, via Google Play here, via iTunes here and listen on Spotify here.
Porthilly Spirit – as part of the Porthilly Spirit festival, there will be a talk about Cornish Tales of Witchcraft and Magic by Simon Costin, the director of the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Boscastle, Cornwall.
Simon will be speaking about the history of the museum, its founder Cecil Williamson and its unique collection of over 3000 magical objects and over 7000 books. The museum will celebrate being in Boscastle for 60 years next year and this talk will illustrate, what is the largest public collection in the world of occult and magical objects.
From their website: “Porthilly Spirit was born out of a dream to create a space to unplug, reconnect and be curious. Porthilly Spirit opens the farm’s first chapter by throwing open the gates and inviting you to join the celebrations for a long weekend of outdoor adventures, music, sumptuous feasting and inquisitive conversation.” Find out more via their website by clicking here.
Satanic Temple – though not all witches are Satanists, some are. The Satanic Temple is not a federally recognised church in the USA, a huge move for religious freedom.

From the official statement of the Satanic Temple:
“The Satanic Temple (TST), the world’s most eminent modern Satanic religious organization, is celebrating their recent approval – recognition as a legally protected Satanic church, receiving 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS. This status, elevated beyond the previous designation as a religious non-profit, is a culmination of years establishing itself as a constitutionally protected class, completely encompassing all attributes designated to churches that are uniquely distinct from other charities and/or religious groups.”
The satanic temple, april 2019
You can read the full statement from them here (opens in a new window). There is a more in-depth article here focused around the history of the temple, as well as looking at people’s reactions in the United States.
Remember, if you run a pagan event, own a pagan shop with events coming up, or something has happened in the pagan scene that you want us to write about, let us know!