Full Moon Tarot

This full moon feels particularly potent this time around. I’m not usually one to look into astrology and the like, but for some reason this time it resonates more with me!
So, as it is so potent, I felt the need to draw a tarot card for the energies surrounding at this time. What exactly is going on anyway?
I drew the card from my Rider-Waite deck before looking up the meaning behind or astrology drive behind this moon. Many people like to take stock of or use things like Mercury retrograde as an excuse for poor behaviour. After all, you can’t punish a planet, right?
From astrology’s point of view, this full moon is supposed to be affecting all kinds of relationships in your life. The need for love or affection will grow stronger, but alongside this, the feelings of jealousy or anger/intimidation are also likely to grow. I guess even if you don’t believe in this (like myself) you can still have the knowledge that you have been forewarned. I suppose it’s nice to be able to reflect on what is going on and step back, rather than let things fly out of control.
With this alignment of planets, etc, it may make those of us in relationships moodier, quicker to jump into arguments or fights. It may also have an effect on those who are single – you may feel like lowering your standards just so you are not alone. However, if you are in a healthy relationship, this can actually help to bring any frustrations to the surface and enable you to resolve them now rather than letting them simmer below the surface.
So what did the tarot cards say?

The card which appeared for this reading was the 6 of Cups in an upright position. This card takes you back to the happy memories of when you were younger. The connections you made there are ones which bring you joy and happiness.
This card showing up is interesting, based on what I have found out from astrology related to this full moon. This card is based around relationships, as is the moon this time around. So this card showing up, which indicates that there is an increased level of harmony at your disposal, is fitting. It’s showing that with a little patience, the issues which may arise can be handled with ease. Giving and receiving is in full flow, and you are willing to give each other the benefit of the doubt – after all, everyone has their off days.
This card encourages you to give into your playful side. Be childish. Do the things that make you happy. Play the games you used to. Visit the old haunts of your childhood or teenage years with the same people once again. Embrace living life to the full.
It can indicate children coming into your life too. Perhaps you or someone close to you is yet to find out they are expecting a child (or two! This can indicate twins!). It may also be showing you that you may soon be spending more time with children. Maybe now is the time to embark upon becoming a teacher or a nursery assistant. Children are open-minded, curious and usually have some kind of outlook to life we can all learn from. Keep an open mind, keep moving forward and enjoy the little things!