November Rites – New Episode out now!

November Rites
The next episode of Heksecast is live!
November Rites touches on some of the traditions or folklore surrounding November in parts of Britain.
Listen carefully, dearest listener. The nights are becoming darker and the night creatures are out to play. Make haste and enjoy a warm drink and a cosy setting whilst you listen to this, our latest episode.
November rites – heksecast
Focusing on aspects of folklore and traditions from November, this episode gives a short summary of some of the oldest folk traditions in Britain at this time of year.
Featuring the song Down By The Greenwood Side by The Hare and the Moon. Big thanks once again to Grey Malkin for allowing your music to be featured in Heksecast!
As always, you can find our latest episode on a variety of platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Tune In, Stitcher, and more.
Have a listen to the latest episode below:
You can find our previous episode, Autumn Traditions, by clicking HERE